Exploring Film Editing: Post-Production Blogs

You can follow along as we offer very insightful and enthusiastic review of (movie review) movies.Movie MagicDecker Shado ReviewsC.H.U.D. Movie ReviewStar Wars ReviewAmong the Predator movies, which one do you consider the best?Jurassic World: DominionJurassic Domination (Asylum) review (Decker Shado movie review)Leprechaun 5 (2000)Tremors A Cold D

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Starship Troopers 2 Movie Review

The sequel to Starship Troopers, subtitled "Hero of the Federation" was a... the guys were trying to... there's... oh the hell with it. I can't even begin to imagine how (click blog post) in the hell this got greenlit.Source: (blog) Starship Troopers 2 Movie Review - Decker Shado (blog post) More Videos

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Phantasm II Movie Review

The second in the long franchise of Phantasm, Phantasm II ups the budget, the body count and the... sanity? Things were kept on a (blog) much shorter leash by Universal Pictures, and the movie as a result is easier to understand. THis is the part where you're (click articles) supposed to say be careful what you wish for, isn't it?Source: (blog po

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Live & Wired Ep 103: How is this legal?

OKAY THEN, in entertainment news we've got Master Chief going where no (blog post) Halo has gone before, brought to you by the minds at ...Source: Live & Wired Ep 103: How is this legal? - Decker Shado More Videos

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